Asociación Taller Experimental
de Obra Múltiple Contemporánea

The Taller de Obra Múltiple Contemporánea Association, from Vilariño (Cangas do Morrazo, Galicia-Spain), is promoted and directed by the plastic artist Leonardo Rial and its main objectives are investigation, development and innovation applied to plastic arts.

Maredetinta no obradoiro do local do Ghato en Vilariño

The engraved Memory

The oral transmission, the memory shared among generations was the oldest way and consubstantial to the human evolution.

This technique and plastic art came to keep the flame memory alive and to establish, over one element, the clear trades of an idea and, also, the multiplier capacity of its use.

The Taller Experimental de Obra Múltiple Contemporánea Association, from the small fishing village of Vilariño, at Cangas do Morrazo, wants with the First International Mini Print “Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize” call, honour the Human Rights international fight career of Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, architect, plastic artist, Galician emigration son at Buenos Aires and Nobel Peace Prize, 1980.

Vilariño, 10th December 2022, “Human Rights International Day”

II Exhibition of engravings A SEA OF INK in Cangas in the summer of 2022
Folder of engravings in homage to Adolfo Pérez Esquivel